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CFS2 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress custom instrument panel
For Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator Only
By Walter Myers
26 February 2001


STEP 1: Using Windows Explorer, select a CFS2 aircraft to which to install this panel

STEP 2: Create a backup copy of the Panel folder for your chosen aircraft (in case you want to restore the existing panel at a later time).

STEP 3: Extract the ZIP archive into your chosen Aircraft folder. Note that this zip file will create a folder called "Panel", which will overwrite any existing panel folder and files of the same name in the chosen aircraft, hence the importance of STEP 2.

Start CFS2 and enjoy!


These files and instructions were created in good faith and should not cause any harm to your system when used properly, however I accept no responsibility should the employment of either cause problems with any aspect of your computer software or hardware. Use at your own risk.